Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tarpon Point and Tarpon Point Marina in Cape Coral FL is Thriving in todays market!

Tarpon Point and Tarpon Point Marina, Cape Coral FL  is making a comeback thanks to a strong Home Owners' Association and a Bank investment.  Here is a quote from today's The News- Press article on Tarpon Point:  "In an April 2010 courthouse auction, SNSPF took ownership of Tarpon Point, including the unsold 92 units in 210-unit Tarpon Landings.

Recently the bank started selling those units again and they’ve been well received, Snyder-Hagan said. “We’ve had 27 sales and closed all but nine.”

Most of the units go for about $400,000 — half what they’d have cost five years ago. At that price, she expects to “work myself out of a job” by the end of the winter tourist season."   

Due to some strategic moves by the board the Tarpon Point HOA is one of the healthiest associations in the state of FL.  It is great to see this valuable property thriving.
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City Council voted to continue management of Coral Oaks Country Club.

The City council of Cape Coral voted to continue to manage Coral Oaks County Club instead of outsourcing it.  Spotlight on Cape reports.

Monday, September 26, 2011

FIRPTA – Foreign Investment In Real Property Act

FIRPTA – Foreign Investment In Real Property Act     

I have recently attended a couple of seminars on the potential tax consequences when non US persons sell their property.

One of the main considerations for a non US person is how they take title when property is first purchased.

We suggest that you contact the Company below for a FREE consultation on the various alternatives for taking title available. Please mention that you were referred to them by Kurt Gearing Sunshine Realty of SW FL, Inc AND Barabara Weller West Coast Regional counsel, Sunbelt Title Agency, (these two companies have no financial or legal ties to each other).

Thomas C. Roberge & Company
One Beach Dr. SE STE 223
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727 822 9393
727 823 6781 fax

When you do sell the property you will need a US Taxpayer ID Number (TIN). It can be obtained by completing IRS Form W-& at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw7.pdf

Business file IRS Form SS-4(EIN) http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fss4.pdf

In some case you will need the ID number to purchase property as well.

I have a FIRPTA Guidelines copy for you review. Please email me for copy at gearing_up@comcast.net.

Please do not hesitate to contact with any questions, I may not have the answer but I can find someone who does.
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obtain a mortgage and get back $4000 to cover closing costs

Logo of the Federal Housing Administration.Image via WikipediaJust got an emailed from a mortgage broker stating "we will be continuing are special of a 2% lender credit for all clients that apply for an FHA mortgage and are approved.  For example if 'your client' borrows $200k we will give them $4000.00 toward closing costs! At the same time we are able to offer a very low rate in the low 4's. So far our clients have loved this offer and told us that no other lender that they have shopped with can touch this offer.

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Cape Coral No. 2 in Nation for best place to retire

Daylight Pool 001Image via WikipediaIn an article entitled, "25 Best Places to Retire" CNN Money Magazine listed Cape Coral, Fl as number two on the list. Cape Coral currently has a median home price at $154,000 and a cost of living index at 95.  38% of the population is 50 years or older and the city offers many clubs and organizations.  With 154,000 residents the city still maintains a home town atmosphere.  
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